Ever since we did the first GoPro Workshop in Ebeltoft, Denmark, in the middle of October, there has been a keen interest for doing them in other locations.
As time is always an issue, I decided to make an even smaller format, and reduce the full-day workshop into an evening event, and due to that – be able to do them more often – and in weekdays… So, it was with a bit of thrill, that I did the first workshop in Oslo, Norway – in Oslofjorden Dykkesenter. The thing is… this might ‘just’ be a GoPro workshop, but still… a video workshop. And doing a video workshop in just one evening is not an easy task.
11 people had turned up, all expecting to get the mysteries of the GoPro revealed to them…
It went OK… Particularly if you take away the fact, that I showed up half an hour late…
During the day I had decided to take a tour around the Oslo area, to meet customers and dealers and had completely underestimated the time it would take me to penetrate the traffic outside Oslo on a rainy Friday afternoon. And with a GPS, that had not been updated since the E45 was invented, I was in trouble!
– but still… people were extremely friendly and open to the packed program, and I soon realized that it was the settings on the camera, and the editing, most people want to know about. (And of course the part with shooting and planning a sequence got a lot of interest as well.
…but as I said – it was a good night, and I think the evening format worked.
Quote from a participant:
Bente Frantzen, Norway:
Veldig bra workshop – tusen takk
Skulle ønske jeg hadde den for et år siden.
After the GoPro workshop I had to do one of my “Good ´ol Weekend Photo Workshops” – also in Oslofjorden Dykkesenter.
We dived a new site that I had never attended, and I even had time to do a few shots of myself.
The workshop went quite well. And I am happy about the result of the participants.
One of them wanted to practice how to shoot a Ships-Bell on a wreck, and experimented a lot with top-light and back-light.
(Photo: Björn Opperud)
Beautiful result. (even if the subject was not a Bell 😉 )
After the weekend, I went home, but had to leave to Copenhagen already on the Tuesday.
A photo-presentation in ScubaGear was up next. They had a large group of people going to Truk Lagoon only a few weeks after, and they wanted to make sure everybody had updated photo gear.
Always great fun to visit Charlotte and Tommy. Lovely people. And a lot of their customers turned up and talked – and looked over the new gear I had brought.
Even an old Participant from a Photo Workshop I did at the Faroe Islands turned up to say hi. (Good to see you Kári, look forward to do more events at ‘The Islands’…)
Next day I was off to Lund, Sweden. I had to do another GoPro workshop, and 15 people had signed up.
Christer & Mie from DykTerminalen are great hosts and started the workshop with some great food.
We filled the shop with equipment and laptops and the evening went on with lots of questions, lots of laughter and even more questions… I had decided to focus more on getting the filming done, and to make sure that everybody had time to do the editing. And that seemed like a good strategy. Most people got through – despite a few structural problems with the software… but hey… what can you expect from a free piece of software 😉
(Don´t be mistaken, I quite like the GoPro Studio 2… I guess we just need to await an update to get some of the bugs cleared out!)
Later Mie & Christer showed me, that Swedish ale is not at all about Pripps…
And on the way home the next day I visited a few dealers on the way… so overall it was a very productive few weeks.
But not over yet… Then domes DEMA..!