SubSee completely sold out!
Sold out??
“So what” – someone would say… “Oh no…” others would say.
But no matter if you like – or not even KNOW what the SubSee lenses are, they are difficult to get around if you are into macro photo/videography.
Lift it and you will understand what the fuzz is all about.
There is so much glass in those lenses, and they have become somewhat the industry standard, for macro lenses.
– they are not that cheap – but surely worth it.
The reason for the lenses being out of stock is, that they at going through a face lift, and have become more popular then ever.
A new was to produce them should make them less vulnerable and a thread for mounting a 67mm filter on top, has been added.
I just spoke to Keri, which is one of the 2 nerdy brothers (Kris & Keri) that is behind, and they have around 800 lenses in back order!
So besides being great photographers, they have also found an area where there was need for good quality lenses!
– they have promised to try to keep me stocked, but with lenses being ordered from all over Europe, they have had a hard time doing it 😉
(so far I have a small stock, but it wont last long)
Lars Kirkegaard
All lenses are back in stock!